Sunday, April 22, 2012

itt vagyok.

So this past weekend has been busy busy busy. But of course very fun!
Not sure if I ever told you guys about these two girls I met in the winter. Abby and Alyssa. They are actually Americans teaching conversational English this year in Hungary. Well they basically saved me here but that is another story...
So on Friday us three had a girls night. We went shopping. Bought two skirts and a blazer. Then when we got back to their flat Abby realized she left her phone in one of the pockets of a coat she tried on so me and her went back to the store to see if it was still there. Luckily it was! Then we went to the orphanage.
[Quick update: I actually ended up joining Abby and Alyssa at volunteering at the orphanage. It is so amazing and those kids really have made my time here in Hungary. But on Tuesdays we go and have a bible study with them.] Since it was a Friday evening we did English club with them. This past weeks topic was rooms of a house. So like basement, living room, dining room, bedroom, floor, window, etc. So they learned those then did a relay race type thing with it. After that we went to the cinema and watched The Lucky One. (in English with Hungarian subtitles) The movie was good!
Saturday: Mostly for the day I didn't do anything. But at night I went to this Irish Jig.
First: When you hear this do you think anywhere in your head dress as fancy as possible? No? Me either. I wore jeans, hoody, no make-up, and my hair in a bun. Everyone else you ask? SUPER FANCY CLOTHES! so obviously I stuck out like a sore thumb. But overall the dance was very interesting and really cool. It made me want to go to a ballet sometime.
Sunday: aka today. Well at the orphanage we had a program planned. A university from the states came and visited. Word for Life in New York. So about 50 students from there came to help play sports with the kids. We did European football, basketball, and then a scavenger hunt. There was also a testimony at the end of the program. It was so cool to see the same kids who impacted my life, impact these other Americans. That catches you up on my weekend. Hope yours were just as well.


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